New Year, New Business

More new businesses start up in the New Year than at any other time of year. That’s why award-winning 360 Chartered Accountants is urging people to attend a specialist surgery designed just for them.

Andy Steele, Founder and Managing Director of Hull and East Yorkshire-based 360, said:

“Our regular January surgery for start ups is always extremely popular. We’ve even had people queuing out of the door to see us. Many use the festive break to put the corporate world to one side and to think of exciting new business opportunities. They then make it their New Year resolution to ensure their idea becomes a reality.”  

360 was a start up itself 8 years ago, so know first hand how difficult it can be to build a successful business. They’ve also helped numerous people achieve their ambition to become a business owner.

Andy Steele continued:

“Engaging the right accountant to help you start and grow your business is a really important decision. Most claim to be experts, but you should always ask them when they last launched a successful business.

“Having been a start up ourselves, we understand the long hours, the difficulties in finding and keeping quality staff, marketing the business, managing the cash flow and all the red tape. We also introduce entrepreneurs to our 360 Mentor scheme, which provides support and guidance on a more regular basis.”

The 360 “Saturday Morning Surgery” will take place on Saturday 5th January 2019 at 360’s headquarters on Albion Street in Hull. Experts will be on hand to discuss all of the usual aspects of setting up a business including which legal entity to choose (limited company, traditional partnership, sole trader etc), registering with the necessary authorities, bookkeeping, tax and insurance requirements.

They are also happy to give guidance on IT, marketing, networking, social media, time management and recruitment.

Meanwhile, experts will also be available to talk to any established businesses who need help with Making Tax Digital. Andy Steele says the deadline for being MTD compliant is fast approaching.

“It’s the biggest change to the UK tax system since self-assessment was introduced in 1998, so when people realise that MTD takes effect ‘this year’ they are really going to have to start pulling their heads out of the sand and finding out how to make their business compliant. We’ve been ringing all of our clients who weren’t MTD compliant, explaining what they need to do and providing solutions for them. We’ve used blogs, videos, newsletters and our Saturday surgeries to get the message across. It’s so important we have to ensure they are ready for the new legislation. That’s why we will also be focusing our January Saturday surgery on this.

“You don’t have to be a client of ours to attend. We are happy to give advice and guidance to everyone. A word of warning though – if businesses don’t ensure their software is compliant, they are inviting potential investigations and possible fines.”

There’s no need to make an appointment but please register your attendance by emailing  Anyone wanting to pop in for a chat and a croissant can simply drop by between 9am and 12 noon.

To contact 360 Chartered Accountants, call 01482 427360 or email or head to to download their free New Business kit.

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