Why write a press release?

A press release is one of the best ways to get your story or message across to members of the press. This is how you tell people who you are, what you are offering or what your service is and how you can help them- but ONLY if you have identified a newsworthy story!   Press releases are NOT advertisements! What they are is an exceptionally useful tool in helping you and your business raise your profile in the media.  Here are 4 reasons why.

  • Press releases are one of the best and easiest ways to get your story across to journalists whether at a regional or national level.  You need to impress the journalists so that they publish your news – so you need to make sure that your “news” is newsworthy!  Journalists are your vehicle to your target markets.
  • How else are you going to tell your customers that you and/or your product/service exists, why they can trust you and why they should buy from you – without spending a fortune?  Appearing in the media gets you noticed, gives you credibility and doesn’t cost as much as placing an advert.
  • Press releases are also really great to use as content in the latest news section of your website.  That way you can share your news on social media!  You, your team and others can tweet the release and share it on LinkedIn, Facebook and other sites you subscribe to.  My clients get fantastic results doing this.  They also increase their social media presence as well as increasing views on their website.
  • By writing and issuing press releases you are setting yourself up as an expert and starting the all-important task of building relationships with journalists relevant to your field.  So when a reporter wants a comment about your particular sector, you are going to be foremost in their mind.  They are far more likely to contact you for a quote than someone who has never bothered to get in touch with them before.

There are many different ways to bring your story to the attention of the media – but the press release still exists for a reason!

Keep checking back here for more useful tips on PR and copywriting.

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